Frigg is the wife of Ódinn. She is the supreme goddess of Asatru, and lives at Fensalir (marsh-halls). Frigg has three servants, the goddesses Fulla (her handmaiden) and Gna (her messenger). Frigg is the daughter of Fjorgyn, who this Fjorgyn was, is not known. Fjorgyn means, "earth" so her father, Fjorgyn, could very well be the earth. This shows the close relationship between Frigg and the earth, and it's even thought that Frigg was originally the earth. This is very likely considering that men have always thought of the earth as Ódinns wife. Frigg is the mother of Baldur, and is often thought of as still mourning for him. She is a Prophetess, who knows all fates, though she seldom speaks of them.

The name Frigg means "the one who loves", which suits her well, because of her role as the patron goddess of love and marriage. Frigg was like many goddesses giddy, and there was one time when Ódinn could not tolerate any more and left her. Except for this one incident, their marriage was a successful one. Ódinn shared his high-seat hlidskjalf and wisdom with her. He also tells her the things he can not tell anyone else. Sometimes they quarrel over men they want to choose (Einherjar), and then usually Frigg tricks Ódinn to choose the one she wants. Frigg often takes Ódinn's brothers Vili and Ve as husbands during Ódinn's journeys away from Asgard.

Frigg is especially concerned with keeping social order. She is called on for blessings when women are giving birth and for help in matters of traditional women's crafts (spinning, weaving, cooking and sewing) and the magic worked thereby. Frigg was also be called on by mothers who want to protect their children. This was especially the case with sons going out to battle, for whom their mothers would weave or sew special protective items, also called Hlin (protectress).