Atomism -The idea that the universe is made up of tiny particles

Determinism - Everything that happens is determined in advance

Dualism -The universe is divided into two - mind and matter

Empiricism -Experience is the source of all knowledge

Ethics - The branch of philosophy that tries to determine right and wrong

Existentialism - People create themselves by the choices they make

Extension -The way an object fills up space

Hedonism - Pleasure is the most important thing in life

Idealism -The material world is produced by the mind

Logic -The study of what constitutes a sound argument

Materialism -Matter is all that exists and the mind is not independent

Monism - The universe consists of one ultimate substance

Ontology - The study of what kinds of things actually make up the universe

Paradigm shift - A change in the framework of scientific theory

Paradox - A statement that contradicts itself

Phenomenology - How things appear not how we think they appear

Pluralism - Reality is composed of more than one basic substance

Pragmatism - Truth and values depend on how useful they are in life

Rationalism - Truths about reality can only be determined through reason

Scepticism - It is impossible to know anything with certainty

Syllogism - A deductive argument made of three statements, the last of which is the logical conclusion of the other two